Eating Habits What does he eat and when? Is he on formula or milk? What kind of formula does he drink? How often does he drink and how much? What style of bottle do you use? nipple? Is it prepared any particular way? What foods does he love? Hate? How does he prefer to eat? drink? (being held, in a high chair, holds his own bottle) How often does he eat? How much do you feed him? How does he prefer to be burped? Sleeping Habits When does he nap and sleep at night? Does he wake up during the night? Does he follow a regular routine? Do you sing, read, hold in your arms until he sleeps? Light? How does he prefer to sleep? (i.e. on tummy, with toy, with a bottle?) What do you do to make him feel sleepy? Is he afraid of the dark? Teething Is the baby teething? When did he get his first tooth? Other teeth? What are the symptoms you notice when he is teething? Health Ask for Immunization record and if he had bcg vaccine. What kind of illnesses has he had? What has been done when he is sick? What did the doctor say ? Does he have allergies? Is he allergic to medecine, animals, foods? Has he had any chronic problems/illnesses? Has he had fevers? Does he tend to run high ones? His/Her Life With Foster Mother What is his daily routine? Do you have any other children in the house, other than your daughter? How many foster children have you cared for? Do you live in a house, apartments, subdivision? (this can lead to a discussion on type of apartment, house, people in household, type of neighborhood, city, village (noisy or not, park nearby), etc. This may give us some clues on how the child will initially adapt to his/her new environment. Does my child like the outdoors? Does my child like pets/animals? Where has he been? How does he deal with car rides? Bus rides? What toys do you recommend? Dates of any major life events When was his first word (what word), first steps, first solid food etc... What are his favorite songs, toys, activities? What does he finds funny, scary, etc. What stories the foster mom would tell him when he grows up about when he was a baby… Do you want to stay in any kind of contact with us? Letters, pictures? What is your address (and phone number)?